Porting services
As one of few telecom companies, Telserv offers number portability as a standard service. Based on our knowledge and experience, we have created this service especially to support our customers in realizing their ROI’s. Telserv offers number portability services in almost all countries in which we offer our number solutions. Number portability is available for:
Whether or not number portability is available in the country of your needs, depends on the local laws and regulations. As part of our service, we can advise you whether number portability can be offered in a specific country and inform you of potential lead times and needed documentation.
Our specialized porting desk will handle the complete process for you and will inform you on every step within the process, as if the porting desk is part of your organization. A strong focus point is to deliver the porting services as soon as possible.
Use our Porting services?
If you are interested in using our porting services, please contact our Sales Office for the details.
"Telserv enabled us to expand our portfolio instantly and win additional business"Incumbent - Asian market
Check out our coverage for Porting Services below
Telserv can support you in handling your porting request from A to Z
Antigua und Barbuda | ✓ |
Argentinien | ✓ |
Australien | ✓ |
Österreich | ✓ |
Bahamas | ✓ |
Bahrain | ✓ |
Barbados | ✓ |
Weißrussland | ✓ |
Belgien | ✓ |
Bolivien, Plurinationaler Staat | ✓ |
Botsuana | ✓ |
Brasilien | ✓ |
Brunei Darussalam | ✓ |
Bulgarien | ✓ 2 |
Kambodscha | ✓ 2 |
Kanada | ✓ |
Chile | ✓ 2 |
Costa Rica | ✓ 2 |
Kroatien | ✓ |
Zypern | ✓ |
Tschechische Republik | ✓ |
Dänemark | ✓ |
Dominikanische Republik | ✓ 2 |
Ägypten | ✓ |
El Salvador | ✓ 2 |
Estland | ✓ 3 |
Finnland | ✓ |
Frankreich | ✓ |
Französisch-Guyana | ✓ |
Deutschland | ✓ |
Guadeloupe | ✓ |
Guatemala | ✓ 2 |
Hongkong | ✓ 2 |
Ungarn | ✓ |
Irland | ✓ |
Israel | ✓ 3 |
Italien | ✓ |
Japan | ✓ 2 |
Lettland | ✓ |
Litauen | ✓ 3 |
Luxemburg | ✓ |
Mazedonien, ehemalige jugoslawische Republik | ✓ |
Malta | ✓ 2 |
Martinique | ✓ |
Mayotte | ✓ |
Mexiko | ✓ |
Monaco | ✓ |
Niederlande | ✓ |
Neuseeland | ✓ |
Norwegen | ✓ |
Panama | ✓ 3 |
Paraguay | ✓ |
Peru | ✓ 2 |
Philippinen | ✓ |
Polen | ✓ 3 |
Portugal | ✓ 2 |
Réunion | ✓ |
Rumänien | ✓ |
St. Kitts und Nevis | ✓ |
St. Pierre und Miquelon | ✓ |
Singapur | ✓ 3 |
Slowenien | ✓ 3 |
Südafrika | ✓ 3 |
Spanien | ✓ 3 |
Schweden | ✓ |
Schweiz | ✓ |
Taiwan | ✓ 2 |
Trinidad und Tobago | ✓ 2 |
Türkei | ✓ 3 |
Vereinigtes Königreich | ✓ |
Vereinigte Staaten | ✓ |
Vietnam | ✓ 2 |
Amerikanische Jungferninseln | ✓ |
- ✓ 2 only available for Toll-Free
- ✓ 3 only available for DID's